months of memories and october wish list

Wow, I had to look when I last did one of these and it was in June!   That means, we have the memories of June, July, August and September to go through!

months of memories

june – Palau!

We were in Palau.  You can read all about it on the following pages:

I went to Todoroki Valley (which I haven’t blogged about, but meant to and still might).

It was beautiful!  It was so tranquil and peaceful.  Definitely somewhere to escape to if you’re craving a day away from the busy city.


Apparently I did nothing because I have no photos or anything in my diary.


I travelled back to England for a month!  A whole month.  I transited through Hong Kong – I had about a 12 hour wait and that was really fantastic.  England was good though, which is what counts!

Manchester for two weeks, then London for a week and then back to Manchester for another week and a half.

We visited Mayfair Library

We went to Chelsea Psychic Garden which was absolutely beautiful.  We tried doing the tour but (and I feel quite mean about this), it was just so boring.  It really felt like a lesson more than a tour.  We ducked out in the middle and quite a lot of others did too.  Sorry

We were staying at a serviced apartment right near St Pauls. It was nice, but it was pricey! If we’d have been forking out, we would have definitely not been in central London!


Well, I had a busy month.  I did a lot of realising whilst I was in England – perhaps I will blog about it, depends if I can make it interesting or not or if it’s even relevant to anyone.  Anyway, one of the things I realised is that I had forgotten a lot of my basic Japanese, so I am back at language school and I love this one!  I might do a post on language schools too.

october wish list

  • get through N4 grammar
  • keep Wanikani-ing
  • start running three times a week again
  • book flights home for Christmas
  • make some bunting
  • make cotton pads for taking off make-up

Hope you all had a lovely few months.  Any plans coming up?


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