日本語能力試験直前対策N2 文字・語彙・文法

I appreciate this post isn’t really going to appeal to that many people but I’ve completed the book and I think it is really good for JLPT prep.

I have taken N2 and passed (just!) already and I did use this book whilst I was studying for it. I found it very hard at the time. A lot of the vocab and some of the grammar comes up in N1 stuff, so I hadn’t seen a lot of it before. I am trying to work my way through my mountain of study books at the moment, with my focus on ...

studying jlpt japanese

It’s a controversial topic – to JLPT or not, but like it or lump it, it can be quite useful when it comes to job hunting. Of course, it’s a double edged sword because the JLPT doesn’t test speaking, so you can have N1 but be terrible at speaking. People have their own assumptions about your abilities when it comes to your JLPT level but sometimes, their expectations can be a little unfair. Of course the JLPT doesn’t test writing either, which can be considered quite a useful skill.

Anyway, I wanted to compile a list of resources that have ...