eating the week

what did we eat this week?

The top picture is what we had on Sunday and I wanted to include it in this.  It’s okonomiyaki – mine has the cheese smothered all over it.


We had caramelised onion tarts with pesto potatoes and salad.


The pesto heart-shaped pizza.  Read more here.


We had something with roasted cauliflower.  I have no idea what – I  can’t remember!  I absolutely love roasted cauliflower recently.  It’s like the best thing ever.

thursday + friday

I had the same thing both days – pasta with pesto.  My husband was out, ...

organising my life


A new year means a need to get organised!  Above are the hangers where the hanging clothes live.

The food cupboards, I sorted all the stuff and made it easy to find.  Must also clean and sort fridge.



The drawers with our clothes and nightwear.




It felt so good to sort out all our clothes.  I have also gotten rid of some items that I have been desperately clinging onto despite never wearing.  It made me feel sad I had wasted money on them but also good that I was finally able to say goodbye.  I did say goodbye and ...