賢くなるクロスワード: 小学初級1〜3年 – is it any good?

Learning through puzzles. ‘You like doing puzzles in English, so why not Japanese?’ (these were my initial thoughts). I’m not sure it really worked out that way…

Some good crosswords:

  • 反対の意味の言葉
  • 似た意味の言葉
  • 漢字の書き
  • 漢字の読み

Crosswords that weren’t so useful:

  • 動物
  • 植物
  • 秋の言葉
  • 花の名前

Ultimately, this book was never aimed at me. It’s for children in primary school years 1-3. Whilst I might not be very interested in learning what different insects are called in Japanese, children in Japan certainly are and would have no trouble naming them. As I don’t know many insects (in Japanese or English), I would need ...