日本語能力試験直前対策N2 文字・語彙・文法

I appreciate this post isn’t really going to appeal to that many people but I’ve completed the book and I think it is really good for JLPT prep.

I have taken N2 and passed (just!) already and I did use this book whilst I was studying for it. I found it very hard at the time. A lot of the vocab and some of the grammar comes up in N1 stuff, so I hadn’t seen a lot of it before. I am trying to work my way through my mountain of study books at the moment, with my focus on vocab, so I thought it would be good to finish this book off and Anki any unknowns.

As it says on the cover, it covers the vocab and grammar portion of the JLPT with 15 mini tests. At the back, there is a practice section for kanji readings and then mini tests to check your understanding of how the words are actually used. I think this is a really excellent feature and really does test your knowledge of the vocab. It has this for verbs, verb compounds, i-adjectives, na-adjectives, adverbs + onomatopoeia and finally katakana.

I highly recommend this book for JLPT prep or even for just expanding vocab knowledge. I am also using the N1 version of the book (which is just as good) and looking on Amazon they seem to have them for each of the 5 levels (although I haven’t used those). This book is definitely a winner for me.

Which books would you recommend?


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