Happy New Year: 2024 take 2

Day two in Turin saw us going to The National Museum of Cinema which I didn’t really think would be anything much BUT it was! It was really good but again, you must must must book tickets in advance. The queue was crazy! I think it was due to the special exhibition being Tim Burton.

The museum is in the Mole Antonelliana – a fantastic building inside and out. You can go in the lift which you can see in the middle for a view of the city. The third picture is there because it reminded me of the lyric ...

Happy new Year: 2024 take 1

Well, I went back to Manchester for Christmas, got a chest infection and it all kind of ended up as a blur in my head. We managed to get to the theatre at Home MCR to see Little Women and it was great. It’s one of my favourites anyway, so I was pretty much guaranteed to like it.

After Manchester, it was off to Italy and we spent New Year in Turin.

We drove over from Vicenza and stopped off at an outlet on the way – I didn’t buy anything but we went to Venchi to have a ‘ ...