october means pumpkins in tokyo in autumn

Happy October everyone! I don’t think October means pumpkins for most of the residents of Tokyo, but maybe some lost souls out there.

We went to Yumenoshima Tropical Greenhouse Dome, which we have been to before and you can find the post here. Looking back at that post, I’ve taken pretty much the exact same pictures, so maybe just read this one.

It wasn’t empty like last time and you had to reserve a time slot. The photographers were out in FULL force – we saw children being paraded around dressed as pumpkins, witches and Snow White. That’s ...

june and july memories and august wish list

june and july memories

The cicadas have finally started making their little chirps (quite noisy little creatures really) and the temperatures are soaring. Europe had a heatwave too and the world just seems to be going crazy! Take care in the heat.

We went on a boat – link here for the one we did which was really good. I emailed Miho and her English was impeccable, so no worries there. When we got to the boat, I was the only, shall we say, non-Japanese looking person in our group of ten. She started speaking in Japanese and it was ...

studying jlpt japanese

It’s a controversial topic – to JLPT or not, but like it or lump it, it can be quite useful when it comes to job hunting. Of course, it’s a double edged sword because the JLPT doesn’t test speaking, so you can have N1 but be terrible at speaking. People have their own assumptions about your abilities when it comes to your JLPT level but sometimes, their expectations can be a little unfair. Of course the JLPT doesn’t test writing either, which can be considered quite a useful skill.

Anyway, I wanted to compile a list of resources that have ...

how to make ume sour

The umes are back in season, so get yourself down to the supermarket and pick some up. If you go later on at night, you might even get them reduced. This year I have had a go at making ume sour and if you fancy having a go too, here’s how I did it.

I followed the above recipe which came with one of the jars. I doubled the amounts because I got 1000g of umes.

Gather the necessary items (1kg ume, 1kg rock sugar, 800-1000ml vinegar (I used apple) and a 3 or 4 litre container) ...

may memories and june wish list

may memories

Not that many memories this month. Now, I pretty much say that every month to you and that’s fine. I’m boring, I can live with that most of the time. BUT! Just imagine how hard it is for me three times a week when I am asked by my teachers… so, what did you do this week/last weekend? And I answer as always, not that much. I’ve started making up going to cafes (that’s my best guess of what people do normally).

may wish list in review

  • start running again (this must make it onto the list every